How does your city rate?

Take a dive into the Trainfo solution by understanding how your city’s crossings stack up.


Eliminate uncertainties from your route

TRAINFO’s predictive rail crossing information helps you take control by preventing unpredictable situations, giving you the edge needed to improve response time.

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Prevent traffic delays and
collisions at rail crossings.

Prevent traffic delays and collisions at rail crossings with predictive rail crossing blockage information.
TRAINFO predicts rail crossing blockages to prevent traffic delays and collisions.

Decrease Traffic Congestion and Vehicle Emissions at Rail Crossings

TRAINFO supports traffic management at rail crossings. Roadside signs re-route drivers around blocked crossings and adaptive traffic signals reduce vehicle-delay at rail crossings. Fewer vehicles mean less congestion and GHG emissions.

Reduce Delays for Emergency Responders

TRAINFO helps emergency dispatchers select routes to avoid delays caused by trains. Put an end to emergency vehicles with activated sirens and lights stopped and waiting at rail crossings.

Mitigate Collision Risk between Vehicles and Trains

TRAINFO discourages impatient drivers from trying to beat a train. Informed drivers take fewer risks and drive less erratically when approaching rail crossings.

Quantify Traffic Delays at Rail Crossings

TRAINFO produces the most detailed and accurate statistics available. Instantly gain authority over network-wide traffic issues at rail crossings. Leverage this knowledge to confidently identify solutions and develop strong business cases for funding applications.

Today, with TRAINFO’s ability to generate rail crossing information with no involvement from the railroads…there is now an opportunity to make this information a staple in all computer-aided dispatch systems.


TRAINFO is the gold standard for rail crossing information.

J. Cambridge, IT Lead, Seattle Dept. of Transportation

TRAINFO has allowed us to respond to public inquiries regarding crossing blockages with accurate and reliable information.

B. Rahmani, Traffic Engineer, City of Vancouver

TRAINFO enables data-driven decision making due to train delays and can be a vital component to better inform travelers, allowing them to make better travel choices and reduce frustration.

J. Kostyniuk, Traffic & Transportation Engineer, City of London
city of London, ONT

Who We’ve Helped

Effective and affordable solutions for
reducing traffic delays at rail crossings.

Safety and mobility at rail crossings have seen few innovations for nearly one hundred years.
TRAINFO transforms the intelligent transportation system landscape by providing an effective and
affordable solution that improves safety and reduces exposure of vehicles to blocked rail crossings.
We do this by integrating predictive delay information into your traffic management solutions.


Receive predictive traffic delay
information at rail crossings .